How Standing All Day on Your Feet Can Be Bad for Your Health

How Standing All Day on Your Feet Can Be Bad for Your Health

Many professions require extended periods standing on our feet. In the restaurant industry, for example, it is common for professionals to take an average of 12,000 steps in an 8-hour shift. Traveling from the back of the house to the front of the house or waiting for the “campers” to leave will keep you on your feet longer and have you putting in more steps. While in moderation this can be healthy (think of all the calories you’ll burn), over time it can cause some unexpected effects on your feet and lower body.

What are the main effects of working on your feet all day?

Prolonged standing and walking have been linked with a higher degree of ailments, particularly affecting soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc.); the spine (manifesting generally as low back pain or neck pain); the circulatory system (more specifically the venous system); and some others. Let’s see what is causing this pain within the body.

Effects on the Feet:  - Standing places significant pressure on the entire body, and the repercussions are greater on, what is known in orthopedics as weight bearing joints (WBJ). The negative effects’ maximum expression on these joints are seen in the joint of the hips, knees, ankle and feet. The stress placed on these WBJ reduces the normal lubrication and cushioning of synovial joints, causing them to tear over time. The combined effects of pressure and tearing can cause extensive amounts of pain and make it difficult to move or walk. In fact, lower limb disorders associated with standing cause more than 2 million sick days per year.

Effects on the Spine:  - Our spine is a sensitive, crucial part of our anatomical architecture. As the central sustain structure of the body, it assimilates the effects of long periods of time standing. These come, mainly, in two forms: 1) postural compression of vertebrae that causes intervertebral discs to experience over-compression; and 2) stiffness and cramping of paravertebral muscles (i.e., the muscles that run parallel to the spine). The result? Pain that can manifest in the form of low back pain, generalized back pain, or upper –neck pain.

Effects on the Circulatory System - There is substantial evidence stating the correlation between standing and peripheral circulatory diseases, such as varicose veins (VV). Prolonged standing at work significantly increases the risk of varicose veins and is responsible for more than one-fifth of all cases among working-age individuals.

According to the Canadian Institute of Public Health, other conditions are also associated with long periods of standing, such as: swollen or painful feet or legs; bunions; plantar fasciitis; tendinitis of the Achilles tendon; hip and knee problems; increased chance of knee or hip arthritis; and muscle soreness and fatigue.

What Can Be Done to Avoid Health Issues Related to Prolonged Standing?

There are a few things that can be done to avoid problems triggered by long periods of time spent on your feet. The first –and most simple one- is alternating periods of sitting with periods of standing.

The second is related to wearing supportive, cushioned footwear that can help with anatomical lower body alignment and cushioning your feet to reduce impact on lower body joints.

In a normal individual, if you imagine a line from the knee-cap to the foot’s sole, that line should end between the big toe and the second toe. In moderate and high degree alignment deformities, the lower limbs lose this anatomical structure, and therefore the line gets displaced causing pain and discomfort.

Supportive insoles and footwear support the biomechanics of our lower body and help with the positioning of our feet, ankle, knees, and lower back. This is crucial to relieve many lower limbs and back pain symptoms. In particular, if someone spends extensive periods of time standing, orthotics help to improve posture, relieve WBJs’ stress, support ligaments, treat overpronation –“flat feet”, and decrease the likelihood of other related conditions (such as plantar fasciitis, knee lesions, etc.) .

For example, Klogs Footwear specializes in shock absorption footwear known to reduce heel and lower back pain. Drew Shoe is another great option for orthopedic footwear and offers contoured insoles and an array of styles and widths to accommodate a variety of foot shapes and conditions.

Although more research is needed to fully understand how orthotics and other shoe inserts can best benefit individuals who stand for prolonged periods, many patients report significant relief from these interventions. This aligns with recommendations from healthcare providers and the American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons, who advocate for their use.

**It is advisable to consult a health-care professional such as a doctor or podiatrist before taking action based on any information found on our website. Our goal is to provide information and educate others on a number of issues relating to foot health, not give medical instruction.

About author:

Derek Roach is a foot health expert with over a decade of experience in the orthopedic shoe industry. He has helped thousands of customers find the right footwear for their unique foot conditions. His expertise has been featured in major publications such as CNN, Women's Health Mag, HuffPost, and Healthline. Passionate about foot health and comfort, Derek provides practical advice to help people improve mobility and reduce foot pain through proper footwear choices.

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